Sunshine Handbook
Most municipalities in Ontario are required to hold open Council and Committee meetings. The public can be excluded only in limited circumstances where there is
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Most municipalities in Ontario are required to hold open Council and Committee meetings. The public can be excluded only in limited circumstances where there is
One of the duties of a regulator in disciplinary matters is to disclose all relevant information it possesses unless the information is privileged. This duty
Generally expert witnesses must be neutral and they must provide a written report of their opinion well in advance of any hearing. Last year the
Just as Discipline Committees should accept a joint submission unless it would bring the administration of justice into disrepute, so they should not impose a
Guilty Pleas must be voluntary, unequivocal and informed. The Ontario Court of Appeal allowed a person to withdraw his guilty plea for dangerous driving because
A lower Alberta court disagrees with the British Columbia Court of Appeal and says regulators need empirical evidence that their rules protect the public interest.
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