Welcome to the Regulation Pro Blog. SML’s blog contains brief discussions of court decisions and other developments in professional regulation, with one or two new posts per week. Explore our catalogue below or on CanLII.
Please note that the information contained in Regulation Pro is not intended to be legal advice and is not intended to be acted upon. The information contained herein is intended for general information and educational purposes only.
Hot on the Heels
Legislative reform for the regulation of professions in Canada seems to be gathering pace. Some of the themes contained in British Columbia’s Health Professions and
Conduct Unbecoming
What do the following scenarios have in common? A physician has a meltdown at a school concert and acts in a hostile and aggressive manner
Altering the Allegations
Once a matter has been referred to discipline, how much leeway does the regulator have to reword the allegations? That issue arose in Moodley v.
Complaints Against Adjudicators
When a participant in a discipline matter is concerned about the conduct of an adjudicator, they typically bring a motion to the discipline panel. However,
One Appeal or Two?
Many discipline panels conduct their hearings in two parts. The first deals with the merits of the allegations (also known as the “finding” stage). If
Integrity Testing
A constable “was assigned to maintain the perimeter security at a crime scene. He entered the crime scene, leaving its perimeter insecure, and took $300
Void for Vagueness
Law has many pithy expressions that refer to complex legal concepts. For example, the phrase “intrusion upon seclusion” refers to the tort of invading someone’s
Ten Reasons Why the Jordan Peterson Coaching Program Requirement Was Upheld
Registrants enjoy a constitutional freedom of expression. However, there are limitations imposed on those freedoms by virtue of the person’s professional status. Certain expressions are
Beware of Expedited Processes
Regulators, understandably, wish to avoid the legal complexity and expense of discipline hearings whenever possible. For example, many regulators can administratively suspend or revoke the