Welcome to the Regulation Pro Blog. SML’s blog contains brief discussions of court decisions and other developments in professional regulation, with one or two new posts per week. Explore our catalogue below or on CanLII.
Please note that the information contained in Regulation Pro is not intended to be legal advice and is not intended to be acted upon. The information contained herein is intended for general information and educational purposes only.
Further Clarity on the Mental Intent for Professional Misconduct
A recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal further clarifies that the required intent for a finding of professional misconduct depends on the nature
Crossing the Line
Practitioners are entitled to criticize their regulators and colleagues, to a point. However, when the tone and content of the criticism undermines the integrity of
Jurisdiction Over Conduct Before Registration
For over a century and a half there has been debate and inconsistent court decisions about whether regulators have jurisdiction over members for their unprofessional
Combined Investigations Upheld
The Ontario Court of Appeal has held that under the Regulated Health Professions Act the regulator is permitted to combine various processes into a single
Reformation of the Practitioner vs. Respect for the Profession
The Quebec Court of Appeal grappled with whether the sanctioning of a Judge should focus on whether the Judge’s behaviour could be reformed or whether
Procedure and Criteria for Accessing Mental Health Records
There are significant restrictions upon regulators gaining access to mental health records, especially from a psychiatric facility, without the consent of the patient. A Court
Adjournments and Compelled Testimony
A recurring issue at hearings is whether to grant adjournments, particularly to retain legal counsel. In Evgueni Todorov and Sophia Nikolov v. Ontario Securities Commission,
Reasons for Registration Decisions
How closely do courts review reasons for decisions in registration cases? In Alfahem v College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta, 2018 ABQB 539, http://canlii.ca/t/ht02l,
Defamation Challenge to Transparency Fails
Should regulators go public with safety concerns before they are fully established? That was the issue facing a regulator, a hospital and the government in